Alexandra Ramadan is a post Doctoral Research Associate.
In the PeroCUBE project she represents University of Oxford and worked on the development and characterisation of perovskite thin films for use in both photovoltaic and light emitting dioide applications.
University of Oxford in this work package 3 conducted studies on application-guided optimisation of perovskite materials and will be completed shortly.
In this series of interviews we will explain the progress of each work package.
Work Package 3 is devoted to application-driven optimization of perovskite materials.
Objectives of WP3
– To develop perovskite materials for the fabrication of efficient PeLEDs emitting at the three basic colours
– To develop materials for highly efficient and stable PePVs targeting a bandgap of 1.5eV
– To develop inks incorporating the new materials exhibiting optimized printability and processability
– To fully characterize the PeroCUBE materials and inks
– To theoretically study and optimize the PeroCUBE materials and heterostructures providing feedback to the development of synthetic and fabrication routes
– To develop methodologies and procedures towards industrial production upscaling of the PeroCUBE materials