Walter Arnaud is a Senior R&D Engineer at CSEM, non-profit research and technology organization.
In the PeroCUBE project, CSEM has a key contribution to Work Package 4, which is devoted to deposition of small-scale perovskite devices of high uniformity and enhanced performance.
CSEM is a Swiss private, non-profit research and technology organization with +35 years of Deep Tech development and transfer to industry.
In the Perocube project CSEM deals with Project Management, Optimization of perovskite devices fabrication of high uniformity and Ethics requirements.
In this series of interviews we will explain the progress of each work package.
Work Package 4 deals with an optimisation of the fabrication of high uniformity perovskite devices.
Objectives of WP4
– Design and develop first PV and LED devices on scale of 1 cm2
– Investigate the best combinations between the active material and the contacting, charge extraction/injection materials
– Measure the performances of these first devices to further guide their optimization
– Develop a tailor-designed nanocharacterization tool